Monday, May 12, 2014

Hummingbird (For Demo)

You are as much art as artist
The boldness of the
Colors in your craft
Are a reflection of you
And your paint speckled denim
You hold a paintbrush
With the same confidence in your walk
Your dance, your talk
Your energy nearly levitates you
The jewelry that decorates you
Glows like NYC on a rainy night

Your inner light
Is like
That full moon
You stopped to photograph
One Friday night

You are an ever changing canvas
Each moment as stunning as the last

Are you aware of the depth in your eyes?
The beam in your smile?
The glow of your skin?
The fire in your conversations?
Your aura is the color of love

You are hummingbird
A constant flurry of beautiful motion

I see you, one day
As an Abuelita,
On brownstone steps
Reading Tarot for teenage girls
With cards you've painted
Scenes from your life
Because there is so much color
In you

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