Sunday, June 1, 2014


He once asked
Does anyone else get
When looking up
At the stars

That brought me back
To California
When I would
Stare at the night sky
Desperate to remember
The way back

His first words to me
Relax, mama

That November
I was a ball
Of awkwardness
And angst
Unsettled and unsure
Now I am still awkward
With less angst
More unpredictable
Than unsure
And settled depends
On the place
And company

Every time I put pen
To paper
There is a silent
Thank you
Written in the lines

My creative world
Cracked so far open
Its like the Grand Canyon
Filled with hip hop beats
House music
Spoken word
And love
I am never more
At ease in my own skin
Than when I'm
Lost in live music
Surrounded by friends

He was Morpheus
I was Neo
And the door was
On a rundown street
In Greenpoint

He once wrote me
Thank you for being
A part of my artistic 

How do I tell him
That his friendship
Has been a surgeon
Stitching up wounds
CPR for the times
Life was so heavy
I'd stopped breathing
And my heart stopped

Art is my energy
And I didn't know
That until
I met him
I'd say thank you
But those words
Are too few
Too basic
Too simple

Our most
Recent conversation
Replays with
My morning alarm

Jump out of a plane
He said
Figuratively or literally
Jump out of a plane

Since then
I've been finding
The courage
In my own voice
Remembering the girl
Who traveled through
The city
To indie shows
Developing her identity

So many pieces of me
I can trace back to him

My parachute lands me
I can guarantee
His sticker
Will be tucked inside
The opening flap
Of my poetry book

A constant reminder
That there is still someone
Who sees more in me
Than I do

And every time
I glance up at the night sky
I remember that he
Is more family
Than friend
A constant reminder
Of home

Friday, May 30, 2014


I can feel your
slide along my skin
and while
my logic dictates
that they will break me
My emotions stand
super glue
duct tape
and Kleenex in hand
because masochists
pose as love

You are human
willing to use every
natural resource
I have to offer
I am gaia
to your industrial
You will kill me
Celebrate me
Keeping up appearances
You will donate generously
to my well-being
while slipping the
poison of your latest
conquest into
my ocean wide

And I will still
love you
Or so I think
I will love you
so much I'll hate myself
the handful of razor
blades you gave me
disguised as roses
to my chest
Hands soaked
in red

With each drip
you'll paint masterpieces
that I will caption
and you'll
slip them like silk
into the ear
of someone
with less to offer
but takes less
to impress

I will lose
pieces of myself
repairing your holes
Patching up
the shotgun blast
the last woman
served to your soul
These lips
will be the balm
to every scar

I will transform
for you
I will wear
the physical attributes
of every woman
you put before me
just so you can notice me
Everything you claimed
to love
will be replaced
by that for which
you lust

I will build
our fairy tale
happily ever after
upon the unsteady foundation
of some day
Pay no mind
to the magician doing
tricks with our house of
He's simply an illusion
of my delusion

I have read the tarot
Star-cross'd we are
Tangled in a web
of needing to fill
insecure voids
You need to be a man
I need to be needed

Our angry screams
will rent this single bedroom
but will they repair
the door I just slammed
or the wall
you punched your
frustration into

the cheap rock
on my hand feels
like preparing to serve
a sentence in

You'll ask
how I can be
so accepting
of unborn curses
How I can feel
God ripping life
from me
and find
peace in my pain

When have you ever
bestowed a blessing
onto me

I'll think
you are god given
but eventually
I'll learn
how to recognize
the trail of sulfur the
devil leaves behind

When this is over
I will be jaded
I will learn to use you
as you used them
and you will be confused
and hurt
when you find you're
not the only one

I will puncture your
chest with lies
and the truth in my final blow
will bring you
to your knees

I don't love you
You no longer have
a hold on me
There are no more
tears for you
No more screams
left in these lungs
No more anger
balled up in fists

This is the last time
ink will caress a page for you
This piece
is place our past will rest in

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Relapses in writings part 2

I have wings
and I want to soar
My destination
is anywhere but here

by the freedom
of choice

in an abundance
of options

But these pockets
are desert dry on resources

Brings new meaning
to see the world
in a grain of sand

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hummingbird (For Demo)

You are as much art as artist
The boldness of the
Colors in your craft
Are a reflection of you
And your paint speckled denim
You hold a paintbrush
With the same confidence in your walk
Your dance, your talk
Your energy nearly levitates you
The jewelry that decorates you
Glows like NYC on a rainy night

Your inner light
Is like
That full moon
You stopped to photograph
One Friday night

You are an ever changing canvas
Each moment as stunning as the last

Are you aware of the depth in your eyes?
The beam in your smile?
The glow of your skin?
The fire in your conversations?
Your aura is the color of love

You are hummingbird
A constant flurry of beautiful motion

I see you, one day
As an Abuelita,
On brownstone steps
Reading Tarot for teenage girls
With cards you've painted
Scenes from your life
Because there is so much color
In you


Do you hear that?
Can you hear the drums
and horns?
Off in the distance,
there is dancing
and balloons
and it is coming this way!
That beat - vibrating off my skin
Don’t you see the sparkle
of brilliant colors in my eyes?
My smile?
Damn, that parade is jamming!
The color-guard is coming in
I’m gonna pick up a flag
Waving this banner high
Stopping traffic
while little kids clap along

Have you seen me dance
to the beat of my own drum?
Have you seen the colors
I can paint the world in?
Have you seen my inner 5 year old
and the way she stares in wonder?
Have you seen the trail
I've blazed?

The rain can come
and I will dance in it
Face turned up

Once I left the shadows
and felt the sun
I grabbed hold
Let it burn
as I swallowed one of its rays
There is always summer in this heart

And the band plays on…

Flesh Blood Bone


The lines in these hands
The ache in this spine
The sparkle in these eyes
The beat in this chest
The warmth of his arms
The message in her smile

The tiny factories
in our bodies
Building blocks of life

The flood of red
just below
mocha skin

These muscles
yet overworked

Bones hardened
by life
Balance of flexibility
and strength

The network
of neurons
of impulse
dashing from
brain to fingertips
as I write this

The potential of action
Isn't that what we are

We are all sensory
and adaptation

Complicated machinery
manufactured by
the divinity of evolution
Au natural

Magnificent creatures
blind to our own beauty
our own strengths
our own design

A structure created
for movement
we've stilled
While minds are still wild
and racing

Mana runs through
our veins
Soaks each breath
Qi flows in our
Collections of heavenly bodies
We are a collection
of the gods we pray to

As fragile
as we are resilient
We can bend
until broken
But those breaks

Although some things
do not heal
Some ailments
left uncured

We fear our darkest moments
Only understanding then
the gift we are
and standing at the edge
of the unknown
is unsettling

Born from mother earth
it is to her that we return
our final breaths
eventually giving new life

Continuous cycle of change


The simplicity
of this wondrous
human body

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Yet another NY poem...

New York
You are best enjoyed in short powerful bursts
"An amusement park
That should only be open
Weekends and holidays"
That's what my Scottish mum used to say
I can savor you for a season
Depending on my reasons
But you are cold, hard and calloused
Chaos and mania
The only place in the world
I can be surrounded by a sea of bodies
Yet feel painfully alone
I have friends here, bonds strong like titanium
It saddens me to be so far away,
But you and I just don't agree anymore
I am like oil and you, like water
I am easy and smooth, and can sometimes be set ablaze
You are powerful, strong and gentle at the same time

Bend and Break

why do i love the things
that break me

claw marks on things
i need to let go of

does my talent
for fixing broken systems
require me to be
in a state of constant repair
continual self sabotage
am i really that masochistic
do i yearn to be whole
just to be broken again

aren't i getting stronger
with every chip, crack, nick, and shattering
i rebuild and reinforce
didn't i start out fine china fragile
and built my way to a mix of
terracotta and concrete

or has that constant repair
led me to be hardened so much
i break when i should bend

was the goal not to be stronger
but more flexible


You may march in this war
You may let out a fierce
Battle cry that rips through
The heavens and puts thunder on pause

Your enemies will
Quake in their boots
Seeing the determination in your eyes
They will fear your weapons
They will wish for salvation -
Some will surrender
And others
Will swallow thickly
Knowing your
Vicious stare contains no mercy

Your drums will shake the ground
And echo off the hills
You are a force to be reckoned with
Power and passion

But you are an army of one
Bound and fueled by rage
Confused and directionless -
You know not who to be angry with
So you are angry with everyone
With your air of invincibility
You don't even have a reason to die
And have ignored every reason to live

Cease your suicide mission
Feel that breeze brush your cheek?
It's trying to soothe you
That constant rain,
Is from the cleansing tears you've never cried

To busy destroying
To let yourself be destroyed
So you can rebuild
Too busy hurting
To heal
Too busy remembering
The burn from love
To let yourself be loved again

No idea what it means to surrender
Because your white flag
Is covered in the sweat and blood of battles past

You are powerful beyond measure
Completely unaware of your own worth
Unable to grasp how strong you truly are

Wild and enraged
Turmoil and torment
All fight and no faith

You may march on in this war
You will win many battles
But until you turn inward
And surrender to yourself
You will wear down
And wear thin
Weighed down by your shield
Collapsing on your own sword
And you will not survive this war


I envy those
strong in faith
The people who
answer life's challenges
With "God is good"
"Through him,
all things are possible"
"He has a plan for everything"

Parts of me
get annoyed
by the apparent
lack of responsibility
on their part

What ever happened to
"God helps those
who help themselves"?

I have faith
Not that rigid,
but I have faith
Been through
and seen too much
not to

I have asked
and received

But sometimes
I wonder if the faith
of putting your life
In the hands of some
unseen entity
is another form
of ignorant bliss

That level of
passive aggressive
balance between
for your choices
and giving up
control of your life

But for all that,
there is security
in blind faith
A special degree
of optimism

And I envy the
heck out of it

Monday, May 5, 2014

Step 1

The ruin of a nation
begins in the homes of its people
Pumped poison through media
twists minds
and overflows into
word of mouth marketing
Fans the fires of this
hollow revolution
We are anger
and fear
and sickness
Grasping at illusions
Calling them truths

No longer land of the free
or home of the brave
We allowed ourselves
to be enslaved
and traded brave for blind
We are creatures
seeking comforts
Not caring the price
We neglect our ancestors
and deprive our youth

We reminisce over the “good ol’ days”
but they never existed
There was never a time of peace
There was never a point of equality
This life has NEVER been fair
or Just
or easy
or painless
We strive for a perfection
none of us have ever known

We allow puppet masters
to pull at our strings
We bound the ropes ourselves
Checked to be sure
the knots were secure
and painted our false masks of contentment
They didn’t take power
We gave it -

We let the fire in our souls settle
We outsourced our struggle
We traded in our backbones
for comfortable seats
to sit our overindulged
glottoned asses

We went from survivors
to observers
From warriors
to whiners
We use the faces of the
sick, dead, and abused
as martyrs for a revolution
we can’t even commit to
We care more about the
damage of words
than the very real
every day
damage done with actions

Remember how they used
to speak louder than words?

We cry out against
The overflow of options
that feeds our ADHD
of activism

Unsure who to be angry with
because it’s hard to accept
your mistakes
and failures
Hard to take the blame
when the mess is too large to clean
The truth is a pill
too hard to swallow
In order to change
we need to let go
of comfort
And sobering up
Is never a pleasant process

Step 1: Admit you have a problem