Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sinners, Saints, Angels, and Demons

I live in a word between heaven and hell
where both sinners and saints reside
where angels and demons can be one in the same
with the flip of a coin, or a turn of the calendar
Where one mans pain is another's pleasure
Where you can hurt deep within the depths of your soul
and rejoice in the heights of your imagination

I was once told "Every saint has a past, every sinner- a future"
They walk a fine line everyday
Thinner than that of genius and insanity

Almost a grand costume ball
where everyone wears a mask to hide what's within
like an elaborate theater production
Where everyone plays a role nothing like themselves
The range of the actors spans far and wide
and the writing captures every human emotion
as the lines fall from rose petal slips of tongue that drip with acid lies

There is a tangle in the forces of good and evil
An on going balance that must be maintained
Either behind closed doors, when moon beams give light to dirty deeds
Or in open outdoor forums, where the suns rays shine light upon truth

Yes, the world I live in is full of
contradictions of convenience
Where one's up is another's down, and the directions change as the wind blows
The purest of hearts can come packaged with the wickedest smile
And the darkest soul with the softest eyes

Sinners, Saints, Angels and Demons
all hand in hand in this world I live

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