Sunday, August 29, 2010

Theoretically Speaking

I am disoriented and detached
Disillusioned by these false facts
force fed to us in a box called reality

Deeply my soul yearns for somthing more
unable to grasp the intangible
in this world of materialistic mongering

Dancing energies with sources unknown
stuck in thought about worlds outside my own
Living that Life Unrealistic
Trapped in Macro seeing Micro

Where does the time go
when it was never here to begin with
Funny how time flies
all relative theories

Apples don't fall far from the tree
Motion laws and individual theories
Cognitave collective thought
Splitting the atoms of Adam and Eve

Red pill or Blue pill you decide
but that little white rabbit's
always looking for a ride

Vector Matrix calcuations
Linear planes of space and time
Needing more than just 3 dimensions
Everything else unseen

Black hole in the heart
no presence of light
Keeps the soul separate
dark matter into unseen light

Distressed and Disturbed
internal insanity
Depressing my depression
into waves of semi-logical clarity

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